Version 12.7


  • Audio implementation for spaces with some browser restrictions.

  • Email alert notifications to notify users when a uClient goes offline.

  • Functional update from fvcompositor to GStreamer 1.22.3.

  • Validation mapping to a restricted number of GPUs as allowed per license.

  • Introducing new roles for admin application.

  • Access spaces using a pairing code to enable security and prevent unauthorized access.

  • Improved Playlist workflow, enabling users to save changes made to the Playlist.

  • UI improvement to update and assign a server to multiple uClients simultaneously.

  • The aspect ratio of the source is preserved by default while resizing a decision source on the canvas.

  • Locked uClient device mode helps prevent input devices connected to the uClient adapter from being able to exit the uClient app.

  • The uClient Android log displays the URL of the RTSP stream for easy detection and tracking of the error log.

  • The uClient console and Android log now have an active time stamp across each logged activity recorded by the system.

  • Monitor uClient status via the monitoring dashboard.

  • Improved error notifications for the Signage Player, HDMI Capture, and Network Streamer source.

  • Upgraded code and deployment to use Java 17 version.

  • Upgraded Quarkus to use version 3.x.

  • Feature to preserve the aspect ratio- Press Ctrl to preserve the current aspect ratio when resizing the source in Decisions Press Ctrl + Shift to preserve the original aspect ratio.

  • Introducing Admin Center to display application statistics and host System Configuration, User Management, and Monitoring Dashboard applications.

  • Email notifications for IT admins notifying when the system capacity reaches usage level 2 and usage level 3.

  • uClient Lock feature to prevent unauthorized access to the system via connected input devices.

  • Feature to create a viewable stream into any Remote channel from any mapping group.

  • Notification for end-users to save changes to the Playlist.

  • Web browser source for Artistic uClient Players.

  • Integration with Tableau- view dashboards by integrating Tableau as a source type.

  • Volume control option for Engage uClient player.

  • Introducing Spaces meeting rooms to be streamed for uClient Players

  • Improved UI for the Live View functionality to view content streaming via active sources in the Decisions application.

  • Feature to import 11.x control rooms as operations centers to the Userful Infinity Platform.

  • Feature to import 11.x video wall configurations to the Userful Infinity Platform.

  • Feature to import welcome screens in 11.x as mapping groups in the Userful Infinity Platform.

  • Introducing user interface for endpoint monitoring and viewing statistical information.

  • Updated code base to Cuda 12. Cuda is a library from Nvidia used for parallel data processing on GPU.

  • Feature to rename an active source and control its volume.

  • UI enhancements when calibrating a video wall to

    • Added directional arrows to enable selected destination movement by one unit when calibrating an Artistic video wall.

    • Improved rotation functionality of the selected destination.

    • CSS to visually differentiate between the selection box and the selected destination.

  • Functional update- select multiple destinations while calibrating a video wall using the Shift key.

  • Drag and drop destinations to all grid cells of the video wall while configuring a video wall.

  • SMTP integration to send email notifications to admins and configured users.

  • UI notification for end-users to update about the successful completion of an event.

  • Introducing YouTube source type to stream YouTube videos in a web browser.

  • The Mapping Group feature is discontinued for the Remote application. Directly stream content by adding it as a stream to the Channel.

  • Multi-GPU source sharing using a single source instance, resulting in lower resource utilization.

  • New firmware version- 03.25.50 is validated for the LG webOS 6.0 display.

  • Automated deployment and hosting of the Userful Infinity Platform API documentation.

  • Developed API to retrieve and modify system information.

  • Developed APIs for the Artistic application to

    • Create a mapping group

    • Map a Playlist to the mapping group

    • Map a destination to the mapping group.

  • Developed APIs for the Decisions application to

    • Create an Operations center

    • Update the name, description, and grid settings of the Operations center.

    • Search the Operations center.

  • Developed APIs to

    • Retrieve networking information by Video Engine ID.

    • Update the IP Address of the networking interface.

  • Developed APIs to

    • Retrieve the licensing information.

    • Activate the license.

    • Update the number of displays in the license.

  • Scaling options are added for all the sources.

  • Sort By functionality to view mapping groups ordered by date created and name.

  • Pre-installed playback content- Use the Userful Infinity Platform video from the Assets menu.

  • The selected option in the uClients module helps to view the number of selected uClients.

  • Optimized functional implementation to help monitor uClient's status.

  • Updated UI of the Login screen of the Userful Infinity Platform.

  • Added feature to display the number of GPUs and CPUs per license.

  • Feature to license an offline system manually.

  • Extended color format conversion support.

  • Control content streaming by providing framerate value in Decisions.

  • Create a logging framework to capture event logs such as user authentication, source, destination mapping, etc.

  • The Remote code base is updated to use messaging from GraphQL.

  • Improved password policy for more security.

  • Added a feature to manage destination sharing in the uControl application.

  • Feature enabling non-admin users to integrate Tableau dashboards using the Connected Apps Authentication Type.

  • Functional update to stream supported media formats while streaming a Video and Image source and show an error notification when an unsupported file format is encountered. Note that the notification only appears once during the first iteration.

  • Feature to change the admin user’s password.

  • Introducing multi-GPU supported LED media commander.

  • Removed the option to disable audio settings from the source.

  • Improved UI for Sources and Destination cards with informative icons.

  • Feature to download and restore the platform backup.

  • Improved error notifications for the Network Streamer source.

  • Mapping group behavior functionality to modify the mapping group active status in the Engage, Trends, and Artistic application. It helps the server allocate resources to the mapping group when it is created or assigned a destination.

  • LG webOS display model 32SM5J and 55UH5J firmware updated to version 03.25.50.

  • Improved error notification for the Video and Images source in case the platform detects unsupported media file format.

  • Feature enhancement- After the browser refreshes content after the preset refresh interval, the web browser source refreshes to the provided URL.

  • Updated Blackmagic drivers for 12.7 code build and install.

  • Implemented notification to alert successful data restore using the Restore and Backup option.

  • Functional improvement to ensure seamless files syncing in a failover setup.

  • LDAP integration to authenticate and import users from Active Directory and Red Hat Directory server.

  • Created a logging framework that incorporates Quarkus Fluentd and provides:

    • Common API for other parts of Chronos to generate log messages.

    • Packaging/ Installation of calyptia-fluentd and any other required third party software(s).

  • Updated Flyway version from 44 to 46.

  • Decision's layouts are included as presets in the uControl application.

  • DV-LED Controllers interface to manage connected LED Controllers. Only the Novastar LED Controller is supported by the 12.7 version.

  • Introducing Clearance Levels to grant permissions to user groups for modifying sources.

  • Clearance level form included while creating sources. The User Permissions in the Permissions Tab allow users to create, Edit, and Execute rules for selected user groups.

  • Functional update to maximize width and height property to accommodate content streaming to large resolutions.

Additional Points

  • Network Streamer and Video and Images sources are no longer available as a source type in the Trends application.

  • Network Streamer source is no longer available as a source type in the Artistic application.

  • Beginning with version 12.7, the Userful Infinity Platform no longer supports Zero Clients. Only uClient Adapters will be used for deployments.

Last updated

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