Version 12.8.1
Server reboot can affect HTTPS access.
Workaround: Re-configure HTTPS and click Finalize to complete the setup.
Error message shows in the UI while exporting to uConduct provided canvas containing a Playlist with Restart setting. Workaround: Re-configure the Playlist with Persistence setting as “Keep Running”.
Power BI Report goes blank when the Reload Interval is short and the report is run overnight.Workaround: Edit the source to update the Reload Interval to 60 minutes or more and then remap the source to the Mapping group.
Unplugging/Replugging network on the Primary server may cause spinners on that server. Workaround: Reboot the Primary server, please ensure to reboot the Secondary server before rebooting the Primary server.
Servers may not recover if network is unplugged at the same time from the Primary and Secondary servers. Workaround: Shutdown the backup server, then reboot the primary server and the uClients.
Unmapping /remapping the Source quickly on the same Mapping Group may cause black screen on the Destinations mapped to that source. Workaround: Delete the Mapping Group and re-create the Mapping Group, then drag Source and Destination.
Deactivating Custom Preset from the uControl app does not clean up the GPU memory. Workaround: Reboot the server.
Unmapping the Onboard station shows the last frame of the previous content. Workaround: Map the Onboard station to the new content. Current behavior will be fixed in the upcoming release.
Random inset may fail to start correctly on the Decisions canvas. Workaround: Delete and remap the inset to the canvas
Deleting the SAML integration entry may not work as expected and it will show a UI error. Workaround: This will be fixed in the next release.
Destinations may sometimes get stuck at the previous content, after stealing Destinations multiple times, and then unmapping. Workaround: Unmap the Destination from all Mapping Groups to get the destinations back to an unmapped state.
Content playback does not resume after network disruptions to the uClients if the content is playing locally on the video wall. Workaround: Unmap and remap the video wall to the Mapping Group.
Changing the display diagonal size while editing a video wall throws error. Workaround: This will be fixed in the next release.
Spaces app: ‘Leave the Room’ OS Conference option does not work as expected. Workaround: Close the conference manually from the room navigator or re-enter a conference which will make the conference closed.
Spaces app: Corporate resource sharing does not work if the Server URL changes. Workaround: This will be fixed in the next release.
Image file in the Videos & Images source may get randomly skipped if that source is part of a Playlist. Workaround: This is a random issue that will be fixed in the next release. You can also convert the image to a video, then add it as an Asset to the Videos & Images source.
Last updated