Version 12.8


  • Added Dante Audio support

  • Enable SAML with OKTA

  • EPIC Healthcare Integration

  • Revamped and improved the Spaces App

  • Revamped and Improved Decisions App

  • Onboard Audio Support

  • Ability to add corporate resources in the Space app e.g., sources from Sources & Destinations app and Decisions Canvas

  • Added ability for multiple users to perform screen share simultaneously with Dynamic canvas control

  • Add Playlist creation ability into the Decisions App

  • Implemented Global Layouts across Canvases in Decision app

  • Implemented uControl Environment switching (multiple action grouping to one button)

  • Introduced uClient’s schedules to power on/off display based on the Time Zone selection

  • Added UI to set the Time Zones for the uClients

  • Implemented a schedule to Turn on/off Blackout mode for Novastar and Megapixel controller

  • Added Interactive Viewer functionality for the Interactive sources inside a Playlist

  • Ability to perform bulk upload of files

  • Provide the ability to create a Screen-Cast source in Decisions Operations Center

  • Implemented uConduct - SoftKVM module

  • RBAC for UConduct

  • Megapixel Controller Integration

  • Refactored Event logging mechanism

  • Added ability to perform screenshare into an Inset in Decisions app

  • Implemented RBAC for Decision Operators to give them access to only certain Operation Centers

  • Implemented RBAC for Destinations and Playlists, only allowed users should see that particular Playlist or Destination

  • Implemented RBAC for the Mapping Group, only allowed users should see that particular Mapping Group

  • Show Server Uptime and Last Server Boot time for the server in System Monitoring and System Configuration app

  • Implemented UI to select particular package(s) for update from the list of Available Packages while performing System Updates.

  • Enhanced the capability to use the GPU with lowest usage when GPU selection is Automatic

  • Added option to edit the Mapping Groups settings after it’s creation

  • Implemented User Management failover so that Users, Groups etc. are synchronized and LDAP configurations are replicated among the failover servers

  • Added Error notifications dismissal options to minimize user impact

  • Implemented the internal storage management for the uClient devices

  • Improved the UI/UX for the Backup and Restore functionality in the Setup app

  • Added a UI option to download the server logs files for troubleshooting

  • Implement Event logging UI/UX inside System Monitoring Dashboard

  • Included uClient’s model in the uClient Settings card

  • Update usage warning notification text to create a call-to-action by the user - capacity alert text

  • Integrated Pendo with Userful Infinity

  • Added License Warning Alerts

  • Added Nag screen for Trial License

  • Added UI to set the Tolerance value under Video Wall Asset Processor

  • Enable Caps Lock key button to Interactive Viewer

  • Ability to schedule Novastar blackout mode

  • Added capture signal loss notification

  • Enhanced Backup and Restore mechanism

  • Add Nvidia cards as supported for Media commander

  • uClient Storage optimization

  • Infinity licensing and Hubspot integration

  • Implement the UI to list the external storage connected to the uClients

  • Expanded destination limit to 10x10 for video wall configuration

  • Added volume control to uControl presets

  • Added NTP address configuration as VE command line parameter.


  • Fixed issue where VEO Crashes when configuring Media Commander that is already playing content

  • Fixed issue where new logged in user will be navigated to where previous was logged out

  • Improved error handling mechanism and messages for the bad streams

  • Fixed issue where audio does not work after remapping the source to an existing mapping group

  • Fixed issue where switching between operation centers being in grid view doesn't work as expected.

  • Fixed issue where updated would fail if the package name contain dot

  • Fixed issue where mouse cursor sticks on while moving insets in Decisions app

  • Fixed issue where the app crashes when the mapping group is removed by another user

  • Fixed UI styling in Artistic and Trends app

  • Fixed issue where unassigning the display from local Spaces Meeting room shows previous content for fraction of second

  • Fixed issue where user can save the schedules with the same name

  • Fixed issue where display remains at video frame while stealing from local to server player through schedules

  • Fixed issue where the system does not reboot automatically after changing the GPU Latency Settings

  • Fixed issue where the user management app starts in dev mode after restoring from 12.6.1 backup

  • Implemented keyboard and mouse interactivity with local Web Browser source

  • Fixed issue where enabling HTTPS toggle button acts inconsistently with the rest of the system

  • Fixed issue where Web Browser source is not listed while creating a uClient Player Mapping Preset for uControl app

  • Fixed issue where content playback not happening as per the assigned source player

  • Fixed issue where the uClients did not recover correctly and Event logs do not load after the Time and Location change

  • Fixed issue where the active destination don't reset its value upon unassigning

  • Fixed issue where Spaces with long welcome message cause texts overlaps in destination

  • Fixed issue where in uControl app, warning message is not displayed if it has an empty destination (deleted video wall)

  • Fixed issue where users group members cannot delete Mapping Groups

  • Fixed issue where TrendsUsers and TrendsAdministrators groups have their roles reversed

  • Fixed issue where the live view stops working sometimes after enabling Stream to Remote button.

  • Fixed issue where display playing local Engage content goes black screen

  • Fixed issue where user cannot create custom User Group

  • Fixed issue where unassigning the display and then assigning it back to the server causes DB inconsistency

  • Fixed issue where filtering of sources and playlist is not working as expected.

  • Fixed issue where displays mapped to Multi-Window playing web session shows spinner

  • Fixed issue where mapping Web Browser sources simultaneously causes pulse audio error & display wrong error message

  • Updated Spaces meeting room links on Backup restoration

  • Updated the Event color to Gray if the given Event instance has finished its execution time

  • Fixed uClient logs where it shows the same contents for multiple displays.

  • Fixed issue where Schedules don’t get saved

  • Fixed issue where mapping the Video Wall to the uClient player after making one of its display as offline does not work

  • Fixed issue where display shows blank screen if the first item in Videos & Images source is an image file

  • Fixed issue where Media commander crashes the system

  • Fixed issue in the Spaces App where RoomOS poller continues to poll even after meeting ends

  • Fixed issue with the Spaces app where the layout does not update when a new user joins

  • Fixed issue where Destinations end up disappearing from the /configuration app after un-assigning them from the server

  • Fixed issue where Videos and Image source does not skip to next file if it has a wrong file in the Assets list.

  • Fixed issue where Assets are missing assets while performing Backup and Restore

  • Fixed issue where adding uControl permission to other app users, will give admin permissions to users.

  • Fixed issue where GPU value is set to first one from the GPU list for Schedules

  • Fixed issue where User management app fails to start after the Initial Setup

  • Fixed issue where Update App button was still listed even if uClient is not connected to the server

  • Fixed heartbeat broadcasting issue with the WebOS displays

  • Fixed the error message for cannot update inset visibility

  • Fixed the issue where the user is unable to open 61 Interactive Viewer sessions

  • Fixed the issue where the Playlist does not switch and gets stuck at the Web Browser source.

  • Fixed issue where the Error warning message does not get pop up when user maps any invalid source

  • Fixed issue where the offline displays do not represent correct status in mapping groups.

  • Improved the UI/UX for Video Wall Asset Processor functionality

  • Fixed issue where a Decisions Canvas is stuck at loading screen animation when an invalid source is mapped to it

  • Fixed issue where the Shareable Sources are not sharing their players

  • Fixed issue where the Onboard audio does not work

  • Fixed issue where Importing backup from Userful 11 to 12 shows an error message

  • Fixed issue where source does not get mapped to a Mapping Group on a failover-enabled system

  • Fixed issue where the Live view gets stuck after some period of inactivity

  • Fixed issue where in the Spaces app, resource sharing stays on if user who started it leaves the meeting

  • Fixed issue where some of the API calls are not working

  • Fixed issue for the uClient Player where the offline uClient does not play audio after app or device restart

  • Fixed issue where GPU measurement doesn't work on system with unsupported GPU

  • Fixed Failover functionality issue

  • Fixed issue with importing Backup from 11 to 12 if an Asset/File name contains spaces

  • Fixed issue where the Mouse Pointer and Loop Video options are not working

  • Fixed issue with the standalone demo where the apps stuck at loading screen on the next day after logging in

  • Fixed issue where ve is unable to start due to empty aether config file

  • Fixed issue where the Destinations App permissions does not work from Source and destinations

  • Fixed issue where the Network Streamer source is stuck after some period of time

  • Fixed UI issue where the Youtube source gets hidden in the Sources & destinations app

  • Fixed issue with the Spaces app layout, when a new screen is added(4+) it gets stuck at 4 layouts

  • Fixed issue where the User Group permissions are not saving correctly

  • Fixed issue where the Endpoint alerts do not work

  • Fixed issue where the Destinations get stuck by adding same destination multiple times to Engage uClient Player

  • Fixed issue where the GPU monitoring page goes blank

  • Fixed issue where the multi-GPU system failed to start after update

  • Fixed issue with the submitted logs while creating a support ticket

Last updated

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