User Management

It is important to have defined permissions for users to access the Userful Infinity Platform. This guide helps administrators create roles-based access using Users and User Groups to model these privileges.


A user has defined permissions to access the Userful Infinity Platform. A user can be an administrator with full access to the platform or an application-level user with limited access to the application(s).

Failover and user accounts

  • Remember to ensure failover is configured before you create and add users.

  • If a failover is not configured, the user accounts you create will not be synced to your secondary server. This will put you at the risk of losing user data if failover happens.

  • After a failover is configured, user accounts created on the primary server are automatically synced to the secondary server. However, the user accounts will only appear on the secondary server when failover is triggered.

Create a User

  1. Enter the Username. The username value is unique for all users.

  2. Enter the First Name and Last Name.

  3. Enter the Email Id. The email id value is unique for all the users.

  4. Enter the password in the Password and Confirm Password text box. Note that this is a temporary password and the user will be prompted to reset their password on the initial login.

  5. Assign the user to the User Groups. To learn more about different user groups refer to the User Group section.

  6. The user appears on the screen with an active status.


This option helps edit the First Name, Last name, Email Address, User Groups, and Account Status of the user.

This option helps reset the user's password. Click on the option. The Reset Password side modal appears. Enter the new password in the side modal that appears. Click Save after making the new changes.

This option helps assign the user a new user group(s). Click on the Assign User Group option. A scroll box with a list of all user groups appears. Check the box for each applicable group(s). The user is added to the user group(s).

This option helps disable the user account. Click on this option. The Diable Account warning box appears. Click on the Disable option, the user access gets disabled.

Use this option to delete the user. Click on this option. The Delete User warning box appears. Click on the Delete option, the user gets deleted.

This example shows how a new user assigned to the DecisionsOperators user group accesses the Decisions application.

  1. Use the URL to access the Userful Infinity Platform. This URL is set up by the administrator during the initial setup.

  2. The Login screen appears.

  3. Enter the new password and confirm it. The password must contain at least one letter and one number and a minimum of 6 alphanumeric characters. Allowed special characters include: @,$,%,#,?,&,-.

  4. Click on the Sign In option.

  5. Click on the Decisions application card to create and manage an operation center.

User Groups

A User Group is a collection that contains multiple users assigned the same permissions. Groups enable you to create policies and define conditions for your permissions when one or more users need access to the platform resources. Userful Infinity Platform offers the following predefined user groups.

Role NameAccess Offered


It provides access to all the features offered by the Userful Infinity Platform.

Decisions Administrators

It provides access to all the features available in the Decisions application.

Decisions Operators

It provides access to view the operations centers, create sources, create and update a layouts, manage source alignment on the canvas, map destinations, etc. Decisionsoperators cannot edit or delete an existing source.

Engage Administrators

It provides access to all the features of the Engage application, including content management and creating mapping groups.

Engage Users

It provides access to all the features of the Engage application, including content management and creating mapping groups.

Spaces Administrators

It provides access to create meeting rooms, map destination(s) to the meeting room, cast the meeting room, etc.

Artistic Administrators

It provides access to all the features available in the Artistic application.

Artistic Users

It provides access to create mapping groups, sources, playlists, and schedules in the Artistic application. It also allows the users to remap the source and destination(s) to the existing mapping group, etc. Artistic users cannot edit or delete an existing source.

Trends Administrators

It provides access to all the features available in the Trends application.

Trends Users

It provides access to create mapping groups, sources, destinations, playlists, and schedules. It also allows to remap sources and destinations to the existing mapping groups. Trends users cannot edit or delete an existing source.

Remote Administrators

It provides access to all the features available in the Remote application.

Remote Users

It provides users the access to the Browse Channels feature. Remote users cannot create or delete channels or streams.

Additional Roles

User groups offer the following additional roles that help implement granular user access to the admin applications.


System Configuration

  • Limited access to System Configuration.

  • View-only access to System Configuration.

Sources and Destinations

  • View-only access to Sources and Destinations.


  • Full access to the uControl application. Users can create, edit, delete, start, and stop Presets.

  • Limited access to the uControl application. Users can only start, and stop Presets.

User Management

  • Full access to the User Management application and the Initial Setup application.

Monitoring Dashboard

  • Access to the Monitoring Dashboard application.

Create a Group

Create a new user group that is distinct from the existing user groups.

  1. Enter the Name and Description.

Modify the user role by using the options provided by the Actions menu.


This option helps you modify user details for the new user. Note that predefined user roles cannot be modified.

  • Users Select the user(s) to add to the user group and click save.

  • Details Enter the user description for the user group and click save. Note that the details of the predefined user groups cannot be modified.

Use this function to create a new user group with the same user roles. Click on the Duplicate Group option the Create User Group side menu appears. Enter the Name and Description. Click Save.

Use this option to add users to the user group. Click on the Assign Users option. The scroll box listing all the users appear. Enable the checkbox next to each username you want to add to the user group. The user gets added to the user group.

Use this option to delete the user group. Click on the Delete option. The Delete User warning box appears. Click on the Delete option, the user gets deleted. Note that the predefined user groups can not be deleted.

Clearance Levels

Manage permissions of User Groups by assigning the group a Clearance Level. The platform provides auto-generated clearance levels for each application. Clearance levels are of two types: Edit and Execute.

Create Clearance Level

  1. Enter Details.

    • Enter the Name and Description.

Note that Clearance level configuration supersedes the user group level configuration. The platform has default user groups for each application. You can create new user groups and assign clearance levels to each one. When you delete a clearance level, the user groups' permission configuration is applied to the users.

External Authentication

Authenticate users using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). LDAP simplifies the user management process, saves time, and centralizes the authentication process. The platform allows a batch size of 1000 users to be imported from Active Directory/ Red Hat Directory Server in a single import transaction. This walkthrough guide is intended for administrators familiar with Active Directory service and Red Hat Directory Server.

Setup LDAP Integration

  1. Enter Details

LDAP Configuration
  • Enter the Name.

  • Select the Vendor.

  • Enter the User LDAP Attribute.

  • Enter the RDN LDAP Attribute.

  • Enter the UUID LDAP Attribute.

  • Enter the Connection URL.

  • Enter Users DN.

  • Select the Search Scope. ONE_LEVEL SUBTREE_LEVEL

  • Select the Bind Type. None Single

  • Enter the Bind DN.

  • Enter the Bind Credential. Sync Settings

  • Enter the Batch size It is the count of LDAP users imported from LDAP to be authenticated by the platform in a single transaction.

  • Periodic Full Sync Enable this option to perform a periodic full sync of users to the User Management application after the specified time interval. Note that this value is in seconds.

  • Periodic Changed Users Sync Enable this option to periodic sync of changed (new and modified) users to the User Management application after the specified time interval. Note that this value is in seconds.

LDAP Group Mapper
  • Enter the LDAP Group DN.

  • Enter the Group Name LDAP Attribute.

  • Enter the Group Object Class.

  • Enter the Membership LDAP Attribute.

  • Select the Membership LDAP Type.

  • Enter the Membership User LDAP Attribute.


  • Select the User Groups Retrieve Strategy.

  • Enter the value for Member of LDAP Attribute.

  1. The system takes time, and the integration appears on the screen.

Password Policy

The password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one special character, one number, and a minimum of 8 alphanumeric characters. The password must not contain the username. Allowed special characters are@, $, !, %, *, #, ?, &, -

Login/ Admin Events


Use this module to track login details.

Login DetailsDescription

Login Time

This shows the date and time the user signed into their account on the Userful Infinity Platform.

Event Type

This shows Login as the event type.

IP Address

This shows the IP Address the user used to access the platform.


This shows the client used to access the platform.


This shows the username used by the user to access the platform.


This details any errors users may encounter while logging in.

Admin Events

Last updated

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