API Guide - Userful Infinity Platform

Latest version: RESTful SDK API 0.9


RESTful SDK API Version 0.9 enables developers to interact with the Userful Infinity Platform. Any programming language that supports HTTP such as Java, Python, C#, JavaScript etc. can be used for communicating via REST API. You can use a REST API Client to quickly debug and test REST API commands.


The Userful API uses the REST architecture. Developers who know programming languages such as Python, JavaScript etc can use this API guide to interact with the Userful platform programmatically.

Getting started


Userful API uses tokens for authentication. You need to pass an authentication request to receive the token. The token is valid for one month. The authentication request is as follows:

POST: https://<FQDN>/kc/open/authorizesdk with body
                  "username": "admin",
                  # Replace with your password
                  "password": "*******"

For every other API request, you need to pass the access token as a variable in the header of the request. For this purpose, create a variable named Authorization and assign it the value of the access token prefixed by "Bearer ".

Requests and Responses

The Userful API accepts JSON requests, returns JSON responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication.

Access the Userful Infinity Platform

You can use the URL below to access the Userful Infinity platform. This URL is created during the initial installation by the admin. To make API calls, append the API's endpoint path to the following URL.


For the list of REST API commands, see api.userful.com.

Last updated

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