Manage SSH keys
SSH (Secure Shell) enables users to access the Userful Server securely with an encrypted connection to perform advanced configuration using the command line. This feature is available from Userful Infinity version 12.9.
Enable SSH access only when necessary. Once enabled, the setting cannot be disabled.
Exercise caution while creating users with SSH access. A Linux user with SSH access has complete administrator access to the server.
Once created, administrators cannot delete Linux users or remove SSH access. They can only remove the SSH keys from the user.
Administrators can:
Create Linux users and SSH keys to them.
Edit users to add or remove SSH keys from them.
Administrators cannot delete Linux users or remove SSH access.
Enable SSH
In your Userful account, navigate to Admin Center > System Configuration > General Settings.
Click Manage SSH Keys.
Use the toggle button to Enable SSH Access.
Note: Once enabled, this setting cannot be disabled.
A warning message will appear. Click Enable SSH Access to accept the warning and enable the setting.
Create a Linux user
To create a new Linux user:
Click Create new Linux user.
Add a username and paste or upload your public key.
Click Create new Linux user.
Add or remove a key
To add a key, paste or upload the key in the Public SSH Key field.
Click Save.
Remove all keys
Use the check box to select one or more users from the list.
Click Actions and select Remove all keys.
Last updated