uConduct 2.0 (Beta)

Available from Userful Infinity version 12.9


uConduct 2.0 is an enhanced version that uses the uConduct adapter for enabling operator workstations.

For uConduct 2.0, you can use a uConduct adapter or any other endpoint like a desktop, laptop, or tablet connected to your operations center video wall. A single uConduct adapter can be connected to four Destinations at a time.


  • Although you can use the standard uClient device for uConduct 2.0, the uConduct adapter is tailored to provide a better experience to operators.

  • WebOS displays do not support enabling operator workstations using uConduct 2.0.

uConduct 2.0 provides an infinite canvas to interact with Sources and allows you to create Workspaces to organize Sources. It also offers an interactive interface with zoom in/zoom out, drag, toggle fullscreen, and recenter.

Enable uConduct 2.0 operator workstation

To enable a uConduct 2.0 operator workstation, you must have a uConduct adapter connected to your Destinations.

Set up uConduct adapter

  1. Connect the power cable and the LAN cable to your device.

  2. Press the power button at the front of the device to switch it on.

  3. Insert the first HDMI cable in the port adjacent to the LAN cable input (HDMI port number 1 in the image above). To activate HDMI ports 2, 3, and 4, HDMI port 1 must be connected to a display.

  4. Connect or reset monitor: To connect the new monitor to the device, press the EDID pinhole just below the HDMI port using the pin shipped with the device. Remember to press the pinhole for each of the HDMI displays connected. This action is required every time you connect a new monitor to the device or when you need to reset the display. Refer to the image below to locate the EDID pinholes.

A single uConduct adapter can be connected to four Destinations at a time. Each of the displays connected to the adapter can deliver a 1080p resolution adding to a combined 4k display in a 2x2 video wall setup.

Initial setup from the Userful Platform

  1. After you have your uConduct adapter connected to your system, navigate to Admin Center > System Configuration > Endpoints.

  2. Enable the Assigned server toggle next to the name of your uConduct adapter.

  3. Click the three-dot menu next to the name of your uConduct adapter and select Settings.

  4. Enable the toggle for Enable operator workstation.

  5. Under Output Setup, choose the layout and assign HDMI resolutions.

  6. Click Save. The uConduct adapter restarts.

  7. Log in to Userful Infinity with your credentials.

  8. Connect a keyboard and mouse to the uConduct adapter to interact with multiple Sources.

Access uConduct

  1. In your Userful Infinity account, navigate to Decisions.

  2. Click an Operations Center.

  3. Click the uConduct icon (a grid screen icon with an arrow) in the top-right side. The uConduct opens in a new window.

Create a Workspace

  1. In the uConduct window, click Create Workspace. A panel appears.

  2. Add a name and description for your Workspace.

Add or Remove Sources

  1. Navigate to uConduct.

  2. Click a Workspace.

  3. Click Add new active Source on the right side. A panel appears with the list of active Sources.

  4. To add a Source click the ‘+’ sign next to the Source you want to add. To remove a Source, click and disable the tick mark next to the Source.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Interact with a Source

The new version of uConduct presents an endless canvas (not to be confused with Decisions Canvas), to add Sources and interact with them. It also presents Workspaces, where you can save and organize different combinations of Sources.

Interactive elements

Use the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons to adjust your view of Sources on the uConduct canvas.

Use the Hand icon to drag a Source anywhere on the uConduct canvas.

This is the button that carries an arrow icon. Click the button to interact directly with the Source. For example, type within the browser tab of a web browser Source.

Use this button to see the Sources in full-screen mode.

Use this button to come back to the original view after you have zoomed in or zoomed out.

Use this button to collapse the right panel and keep it out of your view.

Use this button to delete the Workspace you are in. You will be asked for confirmation before the Workspace gets deleted.

Last updated

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