Filter layouts based on Canvases in the Decisions app. A layout belongs to the Canvas where it was created. Note that if a layout is overridden on a new Canvas, that Canvas becomes the parent of the layout. By default, no filters are applied and all layouts are shown in the bottom tray. However, if you apply a layout filter, your selection gets saved in browser cookies and will be available even if you refresh the page. Learn more.
Enabled alphanumeric sorting of active Sources in Decisions Canvases and fixed problems with the Active Sources Expand - Collapse button function.
Previously, a user could apply a layout to a Canvas while the application of the same layout was already in progress in a different Canvas. This was not ideal as multiple actions being performed on a single layout simultaneously could potentially cause issues. To avoid issues and ensure proper functionality, a layout is temporarily blurred and rendered inactive in the bottom tray across all Canvases while it is being applied.
Web browser sessions are retained in the exact state after the content player restarts. With this fix, content resumes at places where the Interactive Viewer left off before the restart.
Fixed the issue where ‘Connected’ status was shown even when the LDAP server got disconnected.
Fixed the issue where user groups that users belonged to were not retained after editing and reloading the LDAP configuration.
Fixed the issue where LDAP admins could edit LDAP configuration in a passive server during failover, potentially causing more problems. LDAP configuration can now be edited only on the active server in a failover setup.
Fixed the issue where the failover status did not update after configuration without refreshing the browser.
Fixed the issue where manual failover could be triggered when the secondary server was offline.
Fixed the issue where a user could not delete failover configuration after entering invalid data.
Fixed the issue where RDP Sources did not start playing in the active server after a manual failover.
Fixed the issue where the screen casting and corporate resource sharing disconnected due to 3-5 minutes of inactivity in the Spaces application.
UI change: Replaced Meeting link field with Meeting ID field for Zoom meetings.
Other fixes
Fixed the issue where applying a layout with the same Sources as in the previous layout caused the Sources to restart unnecessarily.
Fixed the issue where displays failed to recover after changing the date and time of the server.
Fixed the issue where the ‘In use’ status failed to display for Destinations, in the Decisions app.
Fixed the issue where locking the aspect ratio of a Source caused it to disappear from a Canvas in Decisions.
Fixed the issue where the DHCP server got disabled while performing changes on other network interfaces.
Fixed the issue where switching between layouts with the same Sources (half hidden and half visible) resulted in a black screen on Destinations.
Fixed the issue where passport renewal was required after upgrading the Room OS device.
Last updated