Zero Client Setup
Zero Clients
Zero Clients are simple, secure devices. They only pair with Userful on-premise servers and must be managed from that server in all respects. It is important that the Zero Client obtains an IP address before it can be associated with a server. A new Zero Client will request an automatically assigned (DHCP) IP address from the network.
If the Zero Client is not able to obtain an IP address, it will assign itself an IP address of In this state, the Zero Client is not configurable from the server, therefore it must be given a (DHCP) IP address. After this is achieved, power cycle the zero clients, and they will come online with valid IP addresses and will be ready for assignment to the server.
Before you assign Zero Clients to the server, you may want to complete the following operations ahead of time:
Set the Name and Location fields (simple text, for reference).
Set a static IP address. This option is recommended.
Re-number the displays to a logical order. You can use the Show IDs button to visualize this.
Assign Zero Client to the server by selecting the Lock icon at the top of the list. Click Apply in the bottom-right corner of the screen. The zero clients will assign to the server and are now ready for use.
Additional Reading: Userful On-Premise.
Last updated